Saturday, September 27, 2014

Fall 2014: Mid-term Exam

Dear Students

Your Mid-term exam will be conducted on Thursday October 16, 2014. Details are below:

Marks: 40, W/ge: 20%
Place: S-321, Timings: 02:00-03:00 pm
Pattern: MCQs, short questions, long question
Topics: Microbial World and You: Naming and classifying microorganisms, history of microbiology, Microbes and human welfare, Microbes and human diseases; Functional Anatomy of Prokaryotic compared to eukaryotic cells: Prokaryotic cell: structures external to the cell (glycocalyx, cell wall, cell membrane), structures internal to the cell (cytoplasm, genetic material, inclusions, ribosmoes), endospores, biofilms; Baterial growth (binary fission and other methods), growth curve, factors affecting growth)

Be on time.
Good luck!

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