Saturday, September 29, 2012

Details of Lecture 1

In lecture 1, course was introduced. It was discussed that why microbiology is important, why we need to study it? which organisms are included in it, what are some advances in this field. Course policies were also discussed in detail.
Microorganisms are present everywhere; on our skin, inside our body, on the surfaces around us, in the soil, water bodies, on the plants. We have to interact and deal with these. Some of these are useful, some are harmful and others are harmless. These are extremely useful for us in both biology and biotechnology research. We use these to study basic genetic principles, genetic expression, metabolic processes. We also use these to make products like yogurt, cheese, antibiotics, hormones and other useful products. These are used in research in academia and industry.
In this course we are going to look at their properties, their interactions with the environment and their applications in various field.

Remember! The handouts are not an alternative to your class notes.

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