Saturday, September 29, 2012

Questions of Lab No 1

Dear Students, here are your lab questions:

1. Why we prefer agar agar over other solidifying agents?
2. You isolated a bacterial strain from environment. It grows well on a prepared medium of brand A but not on the same medium of brand B. What could be the reasons and how can you solve this problem?

You can write down answers in your lab workbook or as comments on this post here.


  1. Ans: 1
    First of all agar agar is good for health. It is preferred by vegetarians and is ideal for people interested in weight loss and maintaining good health.
    It easy to extract as compared to other solidifying agents i.e it is extracted from red marine algae.
    It remains intact and is not easily degraded by many microbes and they grow on the surface.
    Second main reason is the temperature. Agar melts at 85 degree Celsius and solidifies at 32 to 40 degree celsius.
    Since many scientific applications require incubation at temperatures close to human body temperature (37 °C), agar is more appropriate than other solidifying agents that melt at this temperature, such as gelatin.

  2. Ans: 2
    Same mediums of different brands have different recipies/ different contents of chemicals or compound mixed up. There is always some particular conditions in which the growth takes place the best. So the growth on same mediums of different brands can not be the same.
    If the growth is best on medium A and we want it to grow best on brand B, we might have to look up into the recipie that what is that in brand A that brand B does not have or is not sufficient...
    Hope this ans is acceptable :)

  3. Very good answers Urooj. Appreciated.


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